Volunteer Opportunities

Catherine McAuley School has many opportunities for the community to be involved to support the learning of our students at our school. We value our volunteers and rely on support of Parents, Grandparents and Friends for our activities.

We welcome interest in assisting our school and it is part of our responsibilities to ensure all volunteers are properly trained and made aware of Work, Health and Safety issues relating to the tasks they may perform. In meeting these responsibilities, the school has an obligation to ensure all persons who wish to work with students in a voluntary capacity are deemed as having the appropriate character to do so, as the safety and welfare of students is always paramount.

Volunteer Induction and Training

At Catherine McAuley School we are committed to the safety of our students, staff and community.

To become a volunteer, please complete the following and return all documentation to the school office.

  • Complete a Volunteer Application Form

Click here to download a Volunteer Application Form

  • Complete a CESA Volunteer Declaration

Click here to download a CESA Volunteer Declaration Form

  • Provide a copy of a current Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) Training for Volunteers Certificate

Click here to complete Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) Training for Volunteers Certificate

  • Provide a copy of a current Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Screening Clearance.

If you do not have a current clearance, click here to contact Trish Jones to commence the process.

Attention Current Volunteers

Important information regarding 2025

To continue your valuable work with us in 2025, you need to update your RRHAN-EC fundamentals certification. Please complete the online update training and submit your new certificate (valid until 31 December 2027) by the end of this school year.

Get Started: Access the training by logging in as ‘Non Department for Education staff’ here. If you don’t have a PLINK login, register here

Submit Your Certificate: Email your updated certificate to Trish Jones at trish@cms.catholic.edu.au by 9 December 2024.

Remember, your updated certificate must be on file before you can volunteer in 2025. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important update!