Our Uniform
To support students in fully engaging with their learning, we provide an active and comfortable sports uniform, which is worn daily. A range of options is available to suit both warmer and cooler weather.
We are currently transitioning to a PE uniform-only policy, with a phased changeover period through to 2026. This change will ultimately benefit families by reducing uniform costs and providing higher-quality apparel.
Purchasing Uniforms
Uniform Shop
Para Vista Shopping Centre
Shop 17, 296-306 Nelson Rd
Para Vista
0431 771 156
Uniforms can also be purchased online via this link. The password is cms2025
Collection of Uniform Orders:
Once your order is processed, the shop assistant will email you to let you know that your order is ready for collection.
Pre-loved Uniform Sales:
Please access Catherine McAuley School Craigmore Facebook page, request to join Catherine McAuley School Second hand Uniforms (the page is managed by the school). This enables families to sell their pre-loved uniforms directly to buyers.