We embed the values of compassion, justice, respect, hospitality, service and courage into the fabric of our school. Catherine McAuley School is blessed with a compassionated and dedicated staff who are committed to supporting students and families throughout each child’s educational journey.
Our role is to nurture the learning of all students in our care, and support parents/caregivers as the first educators of their child. A key component of our holistic learning philosophy is to ensure that our student management is centred around our Catholic Values, particularly resting in the dignity of each individual. We believe that each child is unique and of equal importance, and has a special contribution to make to our school community.
Central to our work is to ensure that Catherine McAuley School is a place where children feel safe, are happy, and learn in a cooperative environment. We aim to ensure children know that they are special, so they may grow in love and respect for themselves and one another and we work in partnership with parents/caregivers in order to foster children’s positive development of appropriate behaviour.
To start a conversation with our School Counsellor about how we can help you support your child to thrive, please complete the Wellbeing Enquiry Form below.
At Catherine McAuley School we are fortunate to have a qualified Counsellor who provides a Counselling Service for students who have personal or School related issues which may impact on their learning and their overall wellbeing. At Catherine McAuley School, we deliver prevention and intervention support to enhance our student’s wellbeing, development and learning. This intervention may include one to one support, small group or classroom. The Student Counsellor coordinates our Mentoring and Social Skills programs and oversees outside agencies who support our students at school. The counsellor also supports staff in the implementation of social skills programs in the classroom setting.
In partnership with the Sammy D Foundation, Community Metoring may be available for students age 7 years to 17 years outside of school hours.