Term 1, Week 6, Issue #28 2025
- From the Leadership Team
- From the APRIM
- Shrove Tuesday & Ash Wednesday
- 2025 Leaders and KCC Award Recipients
- From the Assistant Principal Teaching, Learning & Engagement
- From the Defence School Mentor
- Teddy Bears' Picnic
- Year 3 Unit
- Mini Macs Little Einsteins
- PBIS: Respect
- The Southern Cross
- St Columba Open Day for Year 7 Enrolments

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of CMS,
A Busy and Exciting Term 1!
As we reach the sixth week of Term 1, it’s incredible to see how much our students have accomplished and how much energy and enthusiasm they continue to bring to their learning. This week has been full of exciting activities, important milestones, and opportunities for our students to grow both academically and personally.
Our classrooms have been buzzing with activity as students dive deeper into their lessons, engage in hands-on projects, and collaborate with their peers. From science experiments to creative writing, it's inspiring to witness the curiosity and determination of our learners as they explore new topics and tackle challenges.
This week also saw 5M interviewing Matt Burnell MP, our defence student raising our new flages and the completion of our Mini Macs Little Einstein Program, which provided our students with valuable opportunities to build teamwork, practice leadership skills, and enjoy a well-rounded education outside the classroom.
Shrove Tuesday Celebration
There has already been so much to celebrate this term. This week we prepared for Lent with Shrove Tuesday. As we reflect on this wonderful event, we are reminded of the strength of our school community and the importance of working together to create meaningful experiences for our children. Thank you again to everyone who helped bring this Shrove Tuesday celebration to life.
Ash Wednesday: A Special Time of Reflection and Faith
On Ash Wednesday, we marked the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal in our faith tradition. It was a meaningful time for our school community to come together in prayer and reflection as we enter this sacred period. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the families who attended the service and made this observance so special. As we journey through Lent, may it be a time of growth and deepened connection with God.
Upcoming Events
Parents are encouraged to consider if they might be interested in volunteering for our Sports Day which is scheduled for Thursday 10th April. We will be looking for volunteers to assist on our BBQ throughout the day. Stay tuned for information which will be shared through Szapp over coming weeks.
Student Free Day – Real Schools
Our recent student-free day was a fantastic opportunity for our staff to engage in professional development and further enhance their teaching practices. We were thrilled to welcome Jemma Rust from Real Schools, who led a thought-provoking and practical session focused on fostering positive classroom culture, improving student engagement, and conflict resolution. The day was filled with valuable insights and strategies that will help us continue to create a supportive and engaging learning environment for our students. We will continue to work with Real School over the next 3 years to embed positive practices in our school and classrooms.
A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this term so successful so far—whether through volunteering, attending events, or supporting your child’s learning journey. We look forward to the exciting opportunities the remainder of Term 1 will bring!
Yours in Faith, Growth & Unity
The Leadership Team
Marc, Krystina, Maria, Rebecca and Lisa-Marie

Blessings All, as we enter the season of Autumn, even though it may not feel like it, we are also entering into the season of Lent, 40 days of prayer, fasting, penance and almsgiving in preparation for the resurrection of our saviour Jesus Christ. A significant time in the liturgical calendar as we take the time to reflect on our humanity to help others in the world, who are not as fortunate as we are. It is also a time to reflect on our spiritual growth, how we can be the better version of ourselves. We all need spiritual and soul cleansing, and Lent is the perfect time to do this, spending time in prayer to connect with God. There is so much peace and tranquility when time is spent in prayer and meditation. Fasting is also part of Lent, fasting cleans your body and mind, removes all toxins, and take in all positive thoughts and healthy nutrients. In preparation for fasting, we celebrate Shrove Tuesday. The word shrove derives from the old word shrive, which means to confess and receive absolution for one’s sins, cleansing of the mind and soul. Moreover, it is customary in many cultures to eat pancakes made from the ingredients of butter, eggs, and milk that would be given up during the fasting period of the Lenten season. Our students enjoyed a delicious pancake prepared by our Parents and Friends committee and parent volunteers. The Staff and Students of Catherine McAuley School are so grateful to the parents for volunteering their time.
On the following day, we celebrated Ash Wednesday, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten Journey. A time to wean bad habits, wrongful thinking, painful actions, and focus on positive living to walk closer to Jesus and prepare us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption. As written in the Gospel of John, (1 John 1:9), If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the head. The ashes symbolize the dust from which God made us, and symbolise grief, in this case, grief that we have sinned and caused division from God. As the ashes are applied to a person's forehead, the words, " Repent, and believe in the Gospel” are said. The ashes are made from blessed palm branches, taken from the previous year's Palm Sunday Mass.
Ash Wednesday also marks a time of almsgiving, to give to others. What better way to do this is through Project Compasssion. The 2025 Project Compassion was launched at Ash Wednesday Liturgy, the theme for the year is Unite Against Poverty. All the classrooms have Project Compassion donation boxes, please give what you can. We are also going to have recycling bins soon, please bring in your recycled bottles, cans, cartons, and proceeds will go towards Project Compassion.
This week we also announced and presented the 2025 Mercy leaders to the Catherine McAuley Community. I am proud to announce this year’s Mercy Leaders, Aaliya Philipson, Jessica Jobin, Ivy Halay, Emily Ross, Ella Paynter, Leila Catania, Emerson Holmes, and Lucas Marafioti. Already doing a wonderful job assisting in the school events of Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Project Compassion, Weekly Grace, assisting classes with their morning prayer, and much more
We are also continuing with our Class Mass visits to St Ann’s Church. The children host the morning Mass service, and the Parishioners are so grateful to have us there. Please see below the times when your child/children will be attending and if you can make it, please come along, and support your children.
Term 1
Week 6 Friday - 5M and RM
Week 7 Thursday - 6M and 1M
Week 8 Friday - 4R and 1R
Week 10 Friday - 3M
Term 2
Week 4 Friday - 6E and 1E
Week 6 Friday - 3E
Week 7 Friday - 2E
Week 8 Friday - 5E and RE
Term 3
Week 2 Friday - 5R and 1C
Week 3 Friday - 4M and RR
Week 6 Friday - 2M
Week 8 Friday - 3R
Term 4
Week 1 Friday - 4E and RC
Week 2 Friday - 3C
Week 4 Friday - 2R
Sacramental program - if you are considering enrolling your child in this year’s Sacramental program, please contact the school before the end of this term as we have our first gathering, an Information evening on Friday the 4th of April, Week 10. Please remember if you are interested in the Sacramental Program, your child needs to be Baptized.
My dear friends, I would like to conclude with the following Lenten Prayer,
Dear Heavenly Father,
as I enter this season of Lent, I come before You seeking spiritual renewal.
Cleanse my heart, mind, and soul from all that separates me from You.
Renew my spirit and draw me closer to Your presence.
Help me to let go of distractions and focus on Your will for my life.
May this season be a time of deep reflection and transformation
as I grow in faith and obedience to You.
Maria Girolamo-Corbo
Assistant Principal in Religious Identity and Mission

A big congrats to our 2025 Student Leaders, Mercy Leaders, Sports Captains, KCC Award winners and A Choice Champions!
If your child isn't pictured here (due to photo permissions) and received an award, please email lphilip@cms.catholic.edu.au so we can send you their photo.

Dear Families,
NAPLAN & Three-Way Conversations
As you may be aware, our Year 3 and 5 students will sit the National Assessment Program – Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests in Week 7 and Week 8. Classes are busily preparing themselves for these tests and navigating the ICT skills required to participate as well. Should you wish to practise or further prepare your child with these tests, please find the following link which may be useful: https://nap.edu.au/naplan/public-demonstration-site
We understand that assessments can be a source of anxiety for some students, and we are here to support your child through this period. If you have any questions or concerns about the NAPLAN assessments or if you would like to discuss your child's participation and support, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. We would like to wish all of our Year 3s and 5s the very best with their upcoming NAPLAN assessments.
In Week 7 you will receive communication on booking in to speak with your child’s teacher at their Three-Way Conversation in Week 10. In readiness for this, please ensure you have access to Szapp with a current username/password as you will need to login when clicking the link that'll be emailed to you. We sincerely look forward to sharing your child’s 2025 learning journey so far, along with strengthening the important ongoing family-child-teacher relationship that is critical in their personal growth and wellbeing. Please consult Szapp for the most up to date notifications and reminders.
Yours in Faith, Growth & Unity,
Rebecca Philip
Assistant Principal, Teaching, Learning & Engagement

Reception and Year 1 Defence students recently had a wonderful time at their Teddy Bear's Picnic with their Year 5 Defence buddies! The day was packed with fun, from playing games to crafting their very own teddy bears. The highlight? Playing Hide and Seek with their new teddy friends in the library – a truly fun-filled day for all!

In Year 3 this week we have enjoyed preparing and starting Lent. We started by learning about Shrove Tuesday and how other countries have similar or different traditions. We enjoyed our treat of pancakes with our buddy class. Through the week classes have learnt why we have Ash Wednesday and began to make Lenten promises, where they wrote acts of kindness, gave up an item and wrote prayers during this special time of year.

A big congratulations to our Little Einsteins who graduated from the Mini Macs program last week! Our scientists were presented with a wristband and certificate for demonstrating budding capabilities as knowledgeable, inquisitive and innovative learners.

Since the beginning of this year, classes have been making their class rules and breaking down what this looks like and sounds like.
Part of our whole school PBIS approach has been sharing our Whole School Values: Respect, Belonging, Safety and Growth, with our students.
We have been asking: What do all of these values look like and sound like, so that everyone at CMS is able to teach, learn and be safe.
To help define what our values look like and sound like, we have identified all the places around the school where we all need to be showing these values.
Places like the classroom, the front office, the Joan Haren for assemblies, the bathrooms, the playgrounds and transition areas.
Showing Respect at school
1. Welcoming people into our classroom.
2. Using School equipment respectfully. Giving people space to play.
3. Wait patiently and quietly when traveling through the school.
4. Caring for our school environment.
5. Walking quietly and safely, allowing other classrooms to learn.

The latest edition of The Southern Cross can be found here.

Tours of the new $20M building for students in Years 7 – 12 and Year 7 enrolment information
Discover our academic programs and how we can help your child fulfil their potential
Scholarship information
Learn more about Student Life - our student clubs, sports and performing arts opportunities
Live performing arts and classroom demonstrations
Free coffee van available
Important Dates
1st Sunday of Lent
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
St Joseph's Day
Upcoming Events
Mini Macs Pop-Up - Potato Day

Potato Day
Ages 2-5
Multi-Purpose Room
Sports Day

Mini Macs Pop-Up - Space Day

Space Day
Ages 0-5
Multi-Purpose Room